Christmas Kiwi style

Well, after quite some time up in the air with various planes I finally arrived. The first stop turns out to be absolutely lovely! Peaceful, great house and accomodation. I am so glad I booked dinner as well. It is delicious!!! Keith and Adrianne are wonderful people. Yesterday I explored the area and a couple of beaches. From sandy beaches streching on for ever to rough ones perfect for some beach combing. I decided to take it slow these first days.

In the afternoon the family came together as well as friends from across the road. We all sat around a big table outside in the sun. The turkey was roasted on the barbeque and it felt more like a barbeque then Christmas. But to be honest it was perfect! Really nice people and lots to talk about. The food Adrianne cooked was delicious 😊 The couple from across the road are from The Netherlands and immigrated recently. Now they are hoping for a permanent residential visa and are preparing for the tests. Somebody else immigrated around six years ago from the UK. Keith is originally from South Africa and Adrianne has also lived abroad. So there was lots to talk about. I could happily get used to this kind of Christmas 😁

Tomorrow I am off to the next stop. It will be an adcenture judging by the description on how to get there…..

Merry Christmas everyone😙🎄

2 thoughts on “Christmas Kiwi style

  1. Mum

    Hi Maike,
    danke für den ersten Bericht, ich hatte schon darauf gewartet. Das klingt alles ganz prima! Ich freue mich, dass du so tolle Weihnachten hattest! Mit Essen im Freien konnten wir hier leider nicht dienen…. höchstens unter’m Regenschirm.
    Deine erste Unterkunft sah wirklich sehr schön aus, ich hatte sie (natürlich!) gegoogelt. Jetzt die zweite verspricht wirklich ein Abenteuer: “the only way to get there is via cable car”. Oops. Da bin ich auf den nächsten Bericht gespannt und welches der Häuschen deines war.
    Lass es dir gut gehen, viel Spaß und pass bitte auf dich auf!
    Liebe Grüße,

  2. Tanja

    Maike, wir freuen uns sehr für Dich, dass Du es so schön getroffen hast!
    Rutsche ebenso fein ins neue Jahrzehnt 🎆
    LG, Tanja und Andi

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